011 514 0738 / 064 538 2540

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Our Team Members

Dr Barbara Pierce - online as well as face to face consultations
Trix O’Callaghan - online as well as face to face consultations
Justine Loewenthal - face to face consultations
Tegan van der Westhuizen - online as well as face to face consultations
Kristyn Wolhuter - online as well as face to face consultations (book directly on kristyn@fitforworksa.com or 082 487 2361)
Theo Botha - online as well as face to face consultations (book directly on admin@theopsych.co.za or 064 889 7824)
Ashleigh Craig - online as well as face to face consultations (book directly on a.craig.clinpsy@gmail.com or 076 199 2052)
Lekha Daya - online as well as face to face consultations (book directly on l.daya.psychologist@gmail.com or 072 706 8554)

Dr Barbara Pierce

Adult Psychiatrist

Justine Loewenthal

Registered Counsellor
EEG Technician

Trix O'Callaghan

Counselling Psychologist

Tegan van der Westhuizen

Educational Psychologist

Kristyn Wolhuter

Occupational Therapist

Theo Erns Botha

Counselling Psychologist

Ashleigh Craig

Clinical Psychologist

Lekha Daya

Counselling Psychologist